Charging the Terrain
How can architecture act in the terrain vague without becoming an aggressive instrument of power and abstract reason? Undoubtedly, through attention to continuity: not the continuity of the planned, efficient, and legitimated…
How can architecture act in the terrain vague without becoming an aggressive instrument of power and abstract reason? Undoubtedly, through attention to continuity: not the continuity of the planned, efficient, and legitimated…
Seit Oktober 2024 ist Thilo Folkerts Professor für Architekturentwurf an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Wien. | Since October 2024 Thilo Folkerts holds a professorship for architectural design at the Academy of the Arts in Vienna.
Over the course of some decades Berlin has developed a much-noted idea of urban nature that represents a development of its own kind. Its distinctiveness is worth investigating and elucidat- ing, also…
Over the last fifty years or so, Berlin has developed a uniquely integrated idea of urban nature and public space. In joint effect of ecological research, civil action, and landscape design, extensive…
The area is not a park yet. It is in the throes of being developed into a hybrid public urban space. Westkreuz is a crazy, very hybrid, disorienting space. Infrastructural lines that cross and enhance geological givens. The area is characterized, informed and hindered by the constructions, sections and constructed disruptions that follow the logic and logistics of train and automotive structures. Can the valleys and ridges, the faces and ravines of these constructed landscapes become the hallmark of a new kind of urban nature? Can we assess the uniqueness of the site, with all its challenges and turn it into a unique new piece of urban space, optimistically building on the topographic strata of our recent pasts?
The Natur-Park Schöneberger Südgelände, and ‘Berlin’s urban nature’ which has flourished as a result, is the recipient of the 32nd International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens, instituted and organised by the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche since 1990.
A piece of land, centrally located between Kreuzberg and Mitte, formerly part of the wall-zone. Some 3000 square meters on the back-side of a school, concurrently fronting the public streetscape. At first glance a nondescript site, it bears the potentials of recent historic traces, a vibrant ruderal vegetation and centrality in a supremely hybrid urban situation.
A103, Tunnel Gleisunterführung Friedenau / Steglitz
100Landschaftsarchitektur, Thilo Folkerts, 09/2021
Gastvortrag Thilo Folkerts, 15.06.2021
Nell’ambito del ciclo di incontri online Sulle tracce del luogo del Premio Carlo Scarpa 2020–2021, pensato per approfondire alcuni dei temi connessi all’ultima edizione del Premio Internazionale Carlo Scarpa per il Giardino, Güllüdere e…
The International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens 2020-2021 has been awarded to Güllüdere e Kızılçukur, the Rose and the Red Valley of Cappadocia.
Betreuung Landschaftsarchitektur Wintersemester 2018/2019(Rethinking Communal Living. Gemeinschaftliches Wohnen | Erfurt-Nord) */** Sommersemester 2019(Szenarien für das Areal am Milchhof. Arnstadt) * Wintersemester 2019/20(Rethinking Sustainable Urbanism, Städtebaulicher Entwurf Alter Thüringer Bahnhof. Halle (Saale) */**…
30 students of productdesign focused on producing prototypes for water. Watertransport, -pumps, -canals, -locks, -dams and -containers, rainwaterprotection, -collection, -filtration, fountains, sinks, flush toilets, drainage, sewage and fishbowls, watering systems, vaporators and…
Initiated by the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerca, an International workshop on the water system and landscape along the Muson river was held at Spazio Bomben in Treviso in June 2019 …
In a strict formal sense, the Potager du Roi is about ordering and categorizing. Furthermore, the very idea of categorization is at the base of relating ourselves to nature. The landscape architect…
At the International workshop Maredolce-La Favara – A New Landscape for Brancaccio, Palermo three interdisciplinary groups were headed by Tessa Mattinei, Thilo Folkerts and Luigi Latini. The group lead by Thilo Folkerts…
Fülle / Leere( Congestion / Void ) black and white. ground – figurecan we still think like that?when we think about the city: there is no void. The voids are only there…
Vier während der Stipendiumszeit in Italien entstandene oder begonnene Projekte werden in einer mehrteiligen Rauminstallation repräsentiert. Apertura Gartenprojekt, Garten Villa Massimo, Rom 2014 Giardino Gioiosa Gartenprojekt, Parco Ponte Conte, Alghero, Sardinien 2014…
realisierte Projekte im Kontext des Aufenthalts in Rom Who’s in I Who’s out Apertura Irrigazione Giardino Gioiosa
Landschaftsarchitektur umschreibt die Planung und Gestaltung des Freiraums. Das Arbeitsfeld reicht im Maßstab von großräumlichen Planungen bis zum Entwurf von Einzelobjekten. Im Zusammenspiel mit Städtebau und Architektur entsteht ein Dialog des Gebauten.…
Landschaftsarchitektur umschreibt die Planung und Gestaltung des Freiraums. Das Arbeitsfeld reicht im Maßstab von großräumlichen Planungen bis zum Entwurf von Einzelobjekten. Im Zusammenspiel mit Städtebau und Architektur entsteht ein Dialog des Gebauten.…
Contemporary design must cope with the need to save resources and reduce soil consumption, answering at the same time to a widespread demand of heritage preservation. Its scope has therefore shifted from…