Fieldwork: Jardin Portuaire

info > D / E / F

#1 Fieldwork

English ISBN 978-3-7643-7508-9
German ISBN 978-3-7643-7507-2
French ISBN 978-2-8847-4556-7
Dutch ISBN 978-90-6868-423-0


Fieldwork contains an essay section and a section describing individual projects. From over 500 entries, the jury selected 43 projects from places as far afield as Dublin and Athens. The outstanding fieldwork by their authors exhibits sensitivity to materials and details, respect for customs and mentalities, and pleasure in the play of their own powers of invention.

The discussions between the jury and the editors during the selection process threw up various topical issues. The most important of these were explored by the editors and selected authors in essays on European cartography, the cultivated landscape, the cross-border exchange of ideas within Europe, the development of suburbia, and the profession and its pioneers.

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